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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Two Tone Alarm with IC LM3900

Two Tone Alarm with IC LM3900

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ebooks for Antennas Personal Communications Satellite Radar Transmission Electron

Radiowave Propagation and Antennas for Personal Communications
The book also contains brand new material, including propagation characteristics associated with various new protocols, expanded sections on multipath wave propagation, new sections covering RF exposure standards, new problem-and-solution sets, and much more.

Radio Production, Fifth Edition
Learn from a trusted classic - with editions spanning over 25 years, a generation of radio broadcasters have benefited from this book

Raman Amplification in Fiber Optical Communication Systems
As light travels it tends to disperse and this results in some degree of signal loss. Raman amplification is a technique that is effective in any fiber to amplify the signal light as it travels through transmission fibers, compensating for inevitable signal loss.

Satellite Radar Interferometry
It provides a review of existing subsidence estimation methodologies using geodetic measurements, explains Persistent Scatterer InSAR (PSI), and proposes a new method for reliability assessment: multi-track datum connection.

Technology and Society
It offers writings by authorities as varied as Freeman Dyson, Lawrence Lessig, Bruno Latour, and Judy Wajcman that will introduce readers to recent thinking about technology and provide them with conceptual tools, a theoretical framework, and knowledge to help understand how technology shapes society and how society shapes technology.

Theory of Adaptive Fiber Composites
Such adaptive fiber composites are very well-suited for the task of noise and vibration reduction. In this respect the helicopter rotor system represents a very interesting and widely perceptible field of application. The occurring oscillations can be reduced with aid of aerodynamic couplings via fast manipulation of the angle of attack, being induced by twist actuation of the rotor blade.

Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook 2ndEdition
Affects power transformation regulation capability, transformer design, inductor energy-handling capability, gapped inductor design, and toroidal inductor design.

The Transforms and Applications Handbook, Second Edition
Provides numerous examples and applications demonstrating the use of the transform and its properties.Complete revisions of the chapters on Mellin, Wavelet, and Hartley Transforms

Transmission Electron Microscopy
Provides the necessary instructions for successful hands-on application of this versatile materials characterization technique. For this first new edition in 12 years, many sections have been completely rewritten with all others revised and updated. The new edition also includes an extensive collection of questions for the student, providing approximately 800 self-assessment questions and over 400 questions that are suitable for homework assignment.

The Future of Telecommunications Industries
This book contains the results of a Transatlantic Symposium organized by the MUNCHNER KREIS and supported by Georgetown University and its BMW Center for German and European Studies. The symposium combined perspectives from industrial practice and academic research originating from North America and Europe.

Quantum Well Lasers
From the basic mechanism of optical gain, through the current technolgoical state of the art, to the future technologies of quantum wires and quantum dots.

Wood-Polymer Composites
The book contains 15 chapters, relating to raw materials used, fundamental developments
and future trends in technology and industrial products, technical challenges,
standardization, and market opportunities for WPC.

Voltage Stability of Electric Power Systems
In addition, voltage security criteria and methods are reviewed, analyzed and illustrated through realistic computer results. Voltage Stability is a relatively recent and challenging problem in Power Systems Engineering. It is gaining in importance as the trend of operating power systems closer to their limits continues to increase.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Lessons In Electric Circuits (Posted before, but worth re-mentioning) - HTML & PDF

Lessons In Electric Circuits (Posted before, but worth re-mentioning) - HTML & PDF

Ebooks from Texas Instruments (Source: SMPS.US)

Process Control Fundamentals (PDF)

Process Control Fundamentals (PDF)

More PLC stuffs - Basics, Glossary, Laws (PDF)

More PLC stuffs - Basics, Glossary, Laws (PDF)

Automating Manufacturing Systems with PLCs (PDF) - 11MB

Automating Manufacturing Systems with PLCs (PDF) - 11MB

Programmable Controllers Theory and Implementation (PDF)

Programmable Controllers Theory and Implementation (PDF)

PCB - interactive printed circuit board editor for the X11 window system (Software)

PCB - interactive printed circuit board editor for the X11 window system (Software)

gerbv - A Free/Open Source Gerber Viewer (Software)

gerbv - A Free/Open Source Gerber Viewer (Software)

Electric Motor Controls Tutorials (PDF)

Electric Motor Controls Tutorials (PDF)

Lazar’s power electronics guide (HTML & PDF)

Lazar’s power electronics guide (HTML & PDF)

Electrical Science (PDF)

Electrical Science (PDF)

Directory of Ebooks by - 54 ebooks (PDF)

Directory of Ebooks by - 54 ebooks (PDF)

Classical Electromagnetism by Richard Fitzpatrick (HTML)

Classical Electromagnetism by Richard Fitzpatrick (HTML)

Electromagnetic Fields and Energy (free college textbook online) (HTML)

Electromagnetic Fields and Energy (free college textbook online) (HTML)

Handbook of operational amplifier applications (PDF)

Handbook of operational amplifier applications (PDF)

555 timer circuits (HTML)

555 timer circuits (HTML)

Digital Logic basics (HTML)

Digital Logic basics (HTML)

Op Amp Circuit Collection (PDF)

Op Amp Circuit Collection (PDF)

Electronics Tutorials (HTML)

Electronics Tutorials (HTML)

Electrical Facilities Safety (PDF)

Electrical Facilities Safety (PDF)

Friday, January 9, 2009

A serial to parallel converter using the AT89C2051

The example program included with the PG2051 evaluation kit is a basic serial to parallel converter written in 8051 assembler. This is probably a good example of the uses to which an AT89C2051 can be put - it would be hard to get a serial to parallel converter much simpler than the single 20 pin IC in this circuit. The program is meant to serve as a useful example of 8051 serial routines and other programming, whether or not you actually need a serial to parallel converter.

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