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Monday, September 22, 2008

How Nuclear Power Plant Works ?

how a nuclear power plant works? - why nuclear?, what is nuclear energy, nuclear and the environment, top 10 facts, learn more, nuclear glossary, the pressurized water reactor(PWR): containment structure, pressurizer, steam generator, control rods, reactor vessel, turbine, condenser, generator., boiling water reactor(BWR).

types of nuclear reactors - boiling water reactor, boiling water reactor, pressurized water reactor, liquid metal fast breeder reactor, control rod structure, reactor core, feedwater pump, steam turbine, condenser. primary loop, secondary loop, primary liquid sodium cooling loop, intermediate liquid sodium cooling loop, water and steam loop to turbine.

nuclear physics fission and fusion - introduction to nuclear energy, with lecture and discussion : nuclear energy : chemistry analogy, binding energy. fission energy : reactions, resources, status. fusion energy : reactions, resources, wastes.

nuclear power reactors - several components common to most types of reactors : fuel, moderator, control rods, coolant, pressure vessel of pressure tubes, steam generator, containment. several different types of reactors : pressurised water reactor, boiling water reactor, pressurised heavy water reactor, gas cooled reactor, light water graphite reactor, fast neutron reactor. floating nuclear power plants, primitive reactors, primary coolants, water, helium, carbon dioxide, sodium, lead, molten fluoride salt, heat transfer for different primary coolants, use of water for cooling.

the story of nuclear energy fission and fusion - formula by famous scientist Albert Einstein, the equation says, Einstein's voice explaining. nuclear fission, nuclear fusion : deutrium, tritium, neutron, helium, energy.

video power plant tour - take a virtual power plant tour, what you will need for the tour, tour tips, start the tour : view the entire tour from start to finish, start in the fuel section, start in the water section, start in the electricity section.

inside a nuclear reactor - controlling, coolant, fuel, moderator, shield, steam, electricity, test your knowledge.

energy information administration - nuclear power plants operating in the united states as of december 31, 2005, EIA data on reactors, EIA data on nuclear generation, nuclear and uranium forecasts, nuclear regulatory commission.

the virtual nuclear tourist, nuclear power plants around the world - current hot topics, terrorism concerns, location, private spent fuel storage, russian enriched fuel, effects of low levels of radiation, transportation of nuclear waste, decommissioning of nuclear plants, reprocessingm advanced reactors, inside the nuclear power plants, US locations plant maps, plant status events assesment operational experience NRC plant assesments reactor oversight, sample preliminary safety analysis report, world locations plants, web searches for specific us power plants.

Pressurized Water Reactors

nuclear power plant operations - reactor system, Pressurized Water Reactor System, Protective Barriers.

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