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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Resistor definition and example

         Resistor is the electronic component use to reduce the flow of current.
         Resistors are available at ¼, ½, 1, 2, 4 Watts and we need to select the appropriate one we need depending upon the voltage drop and current flowing through that.
         In our usual circuits working under 5 to 25 volts we use ¼ W resistors and its size will be small.
         The value of resistor is being calculated using the color codes given in that.

         Variable resistors are the resistors whose value could be changed
         They are of mainly two types: Preset type and Potentiometer Type
         They are being characterized by the maximum resistance it could offer.

It is mainly used for making potential divider arrangements.

Testing With A Multimeter
         Select the resistance range in the multimeter
         Check the resistor with that and get the resistence reading value from that.
         Compare that value with the one given in the color code. If both the vales remains same within the tolerance range, then it is working fine.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

What is main difference between TDMA and FDMA?

FDMA is nothing but Frequency Division Multiple Access), total available bandwidth of the channel(i.e common), which are divided into differnet bands as welll separed with guard bands. Every station already allocated with some band for sending data as well as uses a band pass filer for confine the all transmitter frequencies. 

In TDMA(Time Division Multiple Access),the bandwidth is just one channel that is timeshared between different stations.Each station is allocated a time slot during which it can send data and each station transmits its data in is assigned time slot.