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Monday, September 29, 2008

Career path of an electrical engineer

I read a book that would be a great help in a profession of electrical engineer.
The carer path, we know that our dicision determines or destiny but what destiny
are you going to. Here's the following tips list below.

1. VISION - Project your destiny while still young. Indentify the state where
you are happy, which kind of work that suit your taste and who you will
be in the near and distant future.Know you destination."A person without a
vision is like a ship without a rudder". It just depends
which direction the wind blows.

2. MISSION - Chart your destiny with a road map. Identify which road you are
going to take in going there. Identify what are to be accomplished. What
should be done to prepare yourself.

3. STRATEGY - Strategize to actualize your mission. Hone your skills and
competencies while there is still time. According to Stephen Covey,
"Sharpen your tools. Train yourself". The story of the disappointment
that led to the " cuaderno" was after all not wasted. It was part of reality,
a part of the never-ending learning. Each learning is a preparation to a
higher level of responsibility.

4. ALIGNMENT - Drive yourself into correct direction desired. According to Jack
Welsh, CEO of the great General ELectric, "Control your destiny or somebody else
will". Align yourself with the company's mission & vision. You will then feel
comfortable in you work.

5. BE A SHINING JEWEL - Broaden your capabilities so that you will be on top
of the heap among jewels. You should have the technology, keeping abreast
of trends & other comptencies that others don't have. Make yourself exceptional.

6. DO IT - Make it happen. Create opportunities. Don't wait for something to
happen. Make yourself a participant to the events. Don't be a fence sitter.

7. KAIZEN - Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement.
Don't sit on your laurels because if you rest,you rust. It means relentless
adrenaline & energy. Remember, your best may not be
good enough. There should always be an extra mile.

8. TEAM PLAY - Don't think of yourself. Make
something to lift others. Make a clone of yourself. Make others as good
as you are so that others could replace you. Remember, you can't be promoted
to higher position if nobody can replace you. Remember,Management is the art
of making others do it for you.

9. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS SUCCESS - Never think that you are successful.
Success is relative, intoxicating and momentary. You might be the president
of a company but your family might be in shambles. Thus there should be a balance
of career success. Remember, man's life is an open book until he dies.

10. AIM SMALL BREAKTHROUGHS - A winner never quits, a quitter never wins. You
should learn to accept small breakthrouh as winnings because success is not all
material. What's important is that you are happy in what you are in.

11.GOD'S GRACE - Seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything shall be added
on to you. Your greatest inspiration, mentor and ally is God. No matter how
colossal your efforts are, they are nothing if there is no grace from God.

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