Books for Electronics Radio frequency transistor, Power Amplifiers, Wireless Communication, Signal, Handbook of Optical, Mobile
Radio Frequency Transistors
Principles and Practical Applications, This book is about radio frequency (RF) transistors. It primarily focuses on applications viewed from the perspective of a semiconductor supplier who, over the years, has been involved not only in the manufacture of RF transistors, RF Transistor Fundamentals, Other Factors Affecting Amplifier Design, Power Amplifier Design.
RF CMOS Power Amplifiers
Theory, Design and Implementation, The key to a wireless solution is the building of intelligent units, that can communicate clearly in a wire-free environment, occupy as little space as possible, and consume low power to maximize battery life. The performance of power amplifiers is a crucial issue for the overall performance of the transceiver's chain.
wireless Communication Technology
This is a book on wireless communication. That usually means communicationby radio, though ultrasound and infrared light are also used occasionally.It is an area with many jobs that go unfilled due to a shortage of knowledgeable people.Early wireless systems used crude, though often quite powerful, sparkgap transmitters.
Electronics Technician Vol 4
Books contents: Radar System Interfacing, Radar Systems Equipment Conjurations, Introduction to Basic Radar Systems, Radar Systems, is a basic introduction to air search, surface search, ground controlled approach, and carrier controlled approach radar systems.
Practical aspects of feedback control
Contents: Control Looop Elements, Feedback Amplifier, DC Isolation Amplifier Operation, Dc Gain Analysis.
Signal Processing For Mobile Communications Handbooks
The book investigates classical SP areas such as adaptive equalization, channel modeling and identification, multi-user detection, and array processing.In addition to wireless terrestrial communications, the book covers most applications areas of mobile communications signal processing, such as satellite mobile communications, networking, power control and resource management, voice over IP, positioning and geolocation, cross-layer design and adaptation, etc.
The Handbook of Optical Communication Networks
Fiber-optic technology can meet the previously mentioned need because of its potentially limitless capabilities, To support this exponential growth in the user data traffic, there is a strong
Mobile Communications Handbook
The information source signal is usually a baseband signal—for example, a transistor-transistor logic waveform from a digital circuit or an audio analo signal froma microphone. The communication engineer has the job of building a systemthat will transfer the information fromthis source signal to the desired destination.
Understanding Optical Communications
Inside the book Optical Transmission System Concepts, Optical Networking, Optical Interconnects, Optical Computers, Transmission Capacity, Fibre Manufacture, Cables and Connectors, Optical Link Connections in Electronic Networks, Lightwave Networks.
Wireless Foresight
Wireless Explosion—Creative Destruction, Challenges for the Wireless Industry, this provocative text deals with the development of the wireless communications industry and technology during the coming ten to fifteen years.
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