Books for Control Theory, Control Design, Digital signal, Test measurements, Digital system, Prototyping of Digital Systems
Control Theory and Optimization
This book is based on lectures given by the author ower a period of several years in the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. The book is addressed to undergraduate and graduate students, scientific researchers and all specialists interested in the problems of geometry, the calculus of variations, and differential equations.
Control Design Techniques in Power Electronics Devices
Deals specifically with control theories relevant to the design of control units for switched power electronics devices, for the most part represented by DCDC converters and supplies, by rectifiers of different kinds and by inverters with varying topologies.
Digital Signal and Image Processing Using MATLAB
Both deterministic and random signals. The theory is supported by exercises and computer simulations relating to real applications.
Digital Logic Design
Dedicated to the interface between digital components and analog voltages.
Digital Systems Design and Prototyping
The book contains the Altera MAX+PLUS II development environment which is ready to compile and simulate all examples. With the addition of the Altera UP-1 prototyping board, all examples can be tested and verified in a real FPLD.
Fundamentals of Test Measurement Instrumentation
Including detailed information about calibration equipment, methods, and records, those who want to design test measurement systems; select appropriate equipment; understand system component characteristics, system and component calibration, and operating principles of transducers.
WinAvr/AvrGCC Books
Inside the books: troubleshootıng, ınterfacıng lcd wıth avr, bıpolar stepper motor drıvıng usıng avr,7-segment dısplay ınterfacıng wıth avr, serıal port of computer, serıal port with lcd dısplay, adc with serıal port and lcd
Modeling and Control of Complex Systems
Discuss complex systems such as networks for modeling and control of civil structures, vehicles, robots, biomedical systems, fluid flow systems, and home automation systems.
Instrumentation and Control Systems Documentation
This book will train you to read, understand, and apply the symbols and documents used to define a modern industrial instrumentation and control system.
Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems
Design library with several easy-to-use input and output functions were developed for this book to help the reader get started quickly. Early design examples use schematic capture and library components. VHDL is used for more complex designs after a short introduction to VHDL-based synthesis.
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